I have just returned from The Organic Growers Gathering, what a fantastic event. I have come back to the farm inspired and full of new knowledge, and having made many new friends and caught up with old ones as well. The industry of Organic Horticulture has desperately needed an event like this for a long time now. The diversity of sessions and visitors makes for a unique and vibrant atmosphere all weekend. 

I was particularly impressed by the mixed demographic at the event, to see wise older growers and passionate, energetic new entrants sharing the same space and freely sharing knowledge and asking questions of each other amazingly encouraging. This is a dynamic that has been desperately lacking at other similar events. The passing on of knowledge and experience in both directions between older and younger generations is crucial if we are to guide our industry through tricky times. Older farmers and farms need to plan for succession, and younger generations are desperate for knowledge and training.

This event facilitated those needs beautifully. As well as providing plenty of time to kick back and unwind amongst like-minded people at the end of a long, hard growing season. A massive thanks to the organisers, and I very much hope this event becomes established as a permanent fixture in years to come.

Andy Dibben | Abbey Home Farm

For almost half a century I have been attending or participating in organic conferences, seminars, meetings and workshops not just in UK but across the world. The Organic Growers Gathering however is something very special. Meeting up with like-minded people sharing great food and drink (probably the first ever major event that served only vegan food) music, crafts, illuminating stories and a wealth of knowledge. Debating, analysing, constructing, designing, philosophising, listening, dreaming and a world of organic emotions and ideals. I have not experience so much in just a few all too brief days as I have at this year’s OGG, to get so much all rolled into one package and squeezed into our tiny Walled Garden was a dream come true. 

Never has there been such an eclectic mix of people and events centred around the ideal of resilience in food production and a common shared ideal, that small scale growers can and do offer the World a better food production system. It is the horticultural element of organic farming that shows real strength, innovation and resilience. The weather leading up to the event could not have been more challenging, with the wettest ever (since records began 1813) two consecutive months, clearly showed the resilience of not just the organisers and attendees but also of the organic land. A healthy soil with a great green manure cover clearly demonstrates just how resilient soil can be when you park 100 cars on it, no damage at all and nobody got stuck in mud!

For me it was fantastic to be able to just hang out and mix with those lovely people, sharing chat around the weather, nearly always the most popular subject, carrot varieties and many mundane thoughts on organic growing, important things for us! To have this event on our own farm was a pleasure and a privilege. I do very much hope that the OGG will continue to thrive and be a leading light in the annual calendar for growers, wherever it may be in future years.

Iain Tolhurst MBE

"The Organic Growers Gathering was an engaging event that offered a fun and innovative approach to learning about sustainable farming. Set in a beautiful location, it provided a fantastic opportunity for knowledge exchange between growers, researchers, and sustainable UK businesses. The gathering fostered a sense of community, bringing together individuals passionate about sustainable living and a shared commitment to make a positive impact."

Dr Imelda Uwase, University of Reading

The OGG is such a fantastic event for bringing organic growers together. Unlike a lot of other events, it's really focused on the practical & helping us all to become better at what we do. It's also lots of fun :) Great opportunity for learning - Pete Dollimore's session on insects was a particular highlight.


A beautiful festival. Having attended in year 1 when it was the Hardwick Farmhack, I was a bit worried about how the gathering would feel on a larger scale. To my delight, it has managed to maintain its communal feel, helped massively by the fact that most people chose to eat together with the beautiful food from Two Tree catering. The Hardwick crew are always incredibly welcoming, and the event was a great size. I look forward to returning.


Visiting from Switzerland, the Organic Growers Gathering was a great opportunity to connect to like-minded growers and get inspired by the thoughts and actions of the British movement for food sovereignty.

Trainee / entrant grower

A fabulous event with a tremendous vibe. A great way to network and learn. Everyone involved with the organisation of this event should be proud of their success.


The Organic Growers Gathering Magazine